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Inventiva e pertinenza. Lezioni dal Sud del mondo | Inventiveness and Pertinence. Lessons from the Southern Part of the World a cura di Maria Argenti e Francesca Sarno
Sommario | Contents
Maria Argenti, Francesca Sarno Editoriale. Lezioni dal Sud del mondo | Editorial. Lessons from the Southern Part of the World (pdf) Piero Ostilio Rossi Per Carlo Melograni | In Memory of Carlo Melograni (pdf) DIBATTITO | DEBATE Alberto Ferlenga Verso Sud | Southward Sigi Atteneder Changing Architectural Perspectives – Learning from or with the Global South? Kathrin Golda-Pongratz John F.C. Turner. Traductor e innovador de las lecturas urbanas del Sur global | John F.C. Turner. Translator and Innovator of Urban Readings in the Global South Juan Román Studiare Architettura a Talca | Studying Architecture in Talca Maria Argenti Dall’Africa un pensiero differente | A Different Idea Out of Africa Shigeru Ban, Philippe Monteil About the Turkana Houses Kazi Khaleed Ashraf L’ascesa del Bangladesh: un’architettura per il Delta | Bangladesh Rising: An Architecture for the Delta Rajeev Kathpalia Homegrown Cities. Sensible Urban Transformation by Utilising Rural Systems RICERCHE | RESEARCHES Elisa Silva Practicing Architecture to Complete the City Fabio Cutroni Il villaggio dei ragazzi di Canuanã: un dialogo tra natura, cultura e immaginazione | Children’s Village in Canuanã: a Dialogue Between Nature, Culture and Imagination Luis Godoy Bonini, María Liz Gulino Casa de la Cultura Toba Qom, Paraguay | Toba Qom Culture House, Paraguay Felix Holland An Architecture of Vulnerability Francesca Sarno Utopie autocostruite | Self-built Utopias Anna Bruna Menghini Architetture per la scuola nell’Africa subsahariana | Architectures for the School in Sub-Saharan Africa Alice Tasca Design Beyond Building. The Meaning of Practicing Architecture for Foreign Architects in Rwanda Nelson Mota, Brook Teklehaimanot Haileselassie Housing Innovation and the Global Foreign Aid Agenda in Addis Ababa (1964-1993) Alessandro Lanzetta Costruire con la terra: Sharanam Center for Rural Development | Building with Earth: Sharanam Center for Rural Development Pooja Khairnar Beyond the Bare Necessities Abstracts (pdf) Biografie degli autori | Author biographies (pdf) |